Hi Family, how is everyone??!! This week was actually pretty
long...ha but I made it to Pday and I'm SO happy to email you now! :)
And I have some great news...last week I got a foot paraffin
(hot oil treatment) on my feet and now they're back to normal! So I just keep
sleeping with them elevated and I don't look like an elephant :) ha ALSO I got
your letters!! From the cousins,and Grammy, and ward, and dad, and the
stamps...THANK YOU SO MUCH! Made me so happy to get mail :) And so that's
definitely a way you can send things to me.
So we had a few pretty hilarious, adventurous times this
week. First, our stove that we had when we moved in was shocking us!! One time
we were making hot dogs and it felt like a shock pen when you touched it, so I
was showing them my weird talent of being able to hold it..ha Then Sister
Mabini tried and totally freaked out! It was hilarious! The elders came over to
bring a new one and asked to see what happened, and so I showed them and
actually that time it hurt SO bad, so then one of the elders tried and like
screamed..haha So of course we got a new stove and it's no longer a problem :)
ALSO...one day we had so Little progress with teaching and
investigators we wanted to do something fun when we got home to cheer ourselves
up, so we put a matress on our stairs and made a slide and it was so fun!!!
hahaha We got the most hilarious pictures. haha I could Not stop laughing after
that picture, even when we were praying at dinner I was laughing so hard! It
definitely cheered us up.
Also, we had a problem with our water faucet outside not
shutting off, and so Sister Mabini and I spent an hour of our companionship study
trying to fix it...it didn't get fixed. ha So she told me that we're not
housewife material and we'll never get married..haha I'll just need to learn
more :) But it was pretty funny too. So sadly this week was very very slow in
teaching and we have very little progressing investigators..it seems that as
soon as we get one that seems promising and we get excited, something happens
and they say we can't come back. So that's hard, but we keep going! Atleast we
have Cathy who's going to be baptized August 8th, so she's having her interview
this week and we're So excited!! She told us her testimony during our last
lesson...I almost cried, she's so amazing! So she's one investigator that keeps
me going with all the others..ha Also this week I had my last follow-up
training, and it was So great to see my batch from the MTC! I love them SO much
:) And Elder Liu says Hi! haha He's hilarious. So I loved seeing them,
especially Sister Kalama :)
Love, Sister Benesch :)
PS this picture is me and my Best buddy (Kotkot) here in
Baliwag :)
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