Friday, March 14, 2014

Ayaw Ko Dito

Hello Everybody!!! I cannot believe it's already Pday are you? Well it hasn't been quite a full week since I last emailed, but it's been incredible!!
While we were doing our weekly planning literally I feel like I saw a miracle just unfold before us as we planned...this area before was really not doing great and I was SO stressed when I first got here. But me and Sister Jenkins have really been working hard, and before when there was like 5 lessons planned a week with investigators, we now have 26! We have 3 progressing to baptism in the next 2 weeks, and 2 more that came to church and can get baptized in April. That's 5 baptisms in 2 months, when this area hasn't had a baptism in a year!!! It is seriously So sooo incredible to watch and feel the spirit guiding us. I really have a testimony that God is preparing people, that all we need to do is be worthy of His guidance, be obedient and work hard, and then the miracles begin to happen.
This week we were able to find some new investigators that's a whole family (So awesome!!) and then Nanay (the mom) came to church with one of her granddaughters and absolutely loved it! I'm so excited to teach them because there's like 8 of them, one of their daughters is already a member so they're very prepared, and they ask really great questions. They're probably some of the nicest people I've ever met, even though they're very poor. Usually it's sad because we can't really teach families that poor because it's impossible for them to come to church, but this family has their own tricycle, and Nanay really is gaining a testimony that it's true because she reads the Book of Mormon every day!!! She's incredible :)
This week we have a goal to start finding and visiting every active member in the area to try and get them involved in fellowshipping our investigators and then getting more referrals to us so the area can just keep building...there is so much potential here I really just can't say enough how incredible it truly is!! Especially with yesterday being fast sunday....Really every fast Sunday on my mission I've seen miracles. I have such a strong testimony of fasting, that if we have true desires and are willing to do whatever is our part, God will be there to help us. It's so so incredible to see these people's lives changing, to literally see their countenance change and become lighter as they accept the gospel. I'm so so grateful to be serving a mission. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else :)
Sadly I think this email will be kind of short because I don't have much more than that...usually I don't when the last time I emailed was Wednesday..ha But I am absolutely loving it!! OH but I did think about something random to tell you about...this shortcut we take to church that I HATE. It's this tiny dirt path that's usually muddy and filled with tons of trash and bugs flying around and poop..and right along it is this little Black stream of "water" that's solidifying because of all the crap in it and it is seriously the Worst smell ever. I just walk as fast as I can trying not to step on anything too questionable and just say "Ayaw ko dito.." over and over! ha Which means, I really hate this place. I'll try to think of more random things like that this week that I don't really think about telling you...but the work is going great, I seriously love being a missionary :) I love you all so much, thank you for your support!!!
Sister Benesch :)

PS We had a birthday party for you mama...we ate a Very delicious mango cake!!! Happy Birthday again!!!! And then Sister Andres said the big cool shark teeth smell bad...haha These teeth were cut out of a freshly killed shark just weeks ago!!! Weird...they're pretty cool :)

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